Thailand - Japan : Demonstration for Effectiveness of e-Learning Sharable Resources
- Thailand:
- National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC)
- Japan:
ITEC Inc., Japan, together with National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), Thailand, conducted an e-Learning course to prepare the learners for IT Professional Examination. Possibilities and challenges were examined in operating a multilingual e-Learning course in a Thai environment.
The Experiment
IIn accordance with the AEN mission, to share e-Learning resources and skills, the objective of this project was to examine if e-Learning sharable resources are for practical use. In this project, the content was preparation for the Fundamental Information Technology Engineer Examination (FE), given by Japan Information-Technology Engineers Examination Center (JITEC). The original English content was translated and localized to the Thai environment, and was utilized to develop human resources capable of content creation and system operation in Thailand. By providing operational support and mentoring from Japan, transfer of know-how was also intended.
Experiment 1 - Content Development
The IT Professional Examination (ITPE) in June 2003, was prepared in two languages (i.e., English and Thai), and preparatory content was created by localizing the English preparatory e-Learning contents of FE. Problems in creating multilingual content were examined in this process.
Experiment 2 - Content Operation
The English FE content and the developed Thai FE content were operated on the Typical WBT II system. Problems in operating multilingual content were gathered by collecting data on the learners' level of understanding and satisfaction through mentoring support. The effectiveness of operating multilingual contents and possibilities of running e-Learning independently were examined.
Experiment 3 - Learning Effect
Learning effect was objectively measured by pre- and post-examination, using item response theory.
Results obtained through this project:
Experiment 1
- Multilingual contents of the same quality cannot be effectively developed by mere translation.
- Multilingual environments must be ensured not only in texts, but also in tools used in content display and operation.
- For multilingual development, an environment capable of mutual conversion must be provided by designing the development tools from the beginning.
- As for content designing, the object-oriented design such as SCORM is effective, but it must be made completely independent of the main program.
Experiment 2
- Several problems occurred because the LMS used did not support a multilingual environment. The need was made clear for preparing manuals for server construction and operation.
- For engineers who have never developed LMS before, it is beneficial to construct the environment from the first phase with all the elements open, including source code. This way, they can achieve better understanding of the LMS mechanism and positive effect of learning.
Experiment 3
- Scores on post-examination was higher than the scores achieved on pre-examination for a group of learners who studied more, and vice versa for a group of learners who studied less.
- Therefore, by putting more hours into learning with e-Learning, more effective learning achievement can be obtained.
- Further improvement in precise designing is necessary.
ITEC Inc. plans to further promote content development, e-Learning operation, and development of human resources in IT.