E-Learning Related Organizations
The organizations involved in developing e-Learning related standards include the following:
ISO/IEC JTC1 is a joint technical committee established by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission). Among various SCs (subcommittee) of JTC1, SC36 (Information Technology for Learning, Education, and Training) develops standards for education and training systems utilizing computers.
- IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) is an association developing various standards ranging from computers to communication technology, etc. LTSC (Learning Technology Standards Committee), a committee of IEEE, develops standards of learning technology.
IMS Global Learning Consortium is a standardization organization of the United States that develops specifications to support distributed learning utilizing technologies such as the Internet. It defines and distributes open architecture interoperability specifications for e-Learning products.
Aviation Industry CBT (Computer-Based Training) Committee is an industry organization of the United States established in 1988. The AICC develops guidelines for aviation industry in the development, delivery, and evaluation of CBT and related training technologies. Among its members are aircraft manufacturers, government agencies, software vendors, CBT courseware developers, and aircraft trainers.
CEN (European Committee for Standardization) was established with the objective to promote standardization with the cooperation of national standardization organizations and various organizations of Europe. The committee that develops standards in information and communication technologies is ISSS (Information Society Standardization System). Among various workshops of different areas established by CEN/ISSS, the workshop that relates to learning technology is the Learning Technology Workshop.
- Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative (ADL)
This is a standardization organization of the United States established in 1997, with the objective to develop learning technology by collaborating with the government, industry, and academia to promote the standardization in the field of e-Learning.
he HR-XML Consortium is an independent, nonprofit organization established in December of 1999. Currently, more than 115 businesses and organizations are its members. Major business participants of the United States include Adecco Corporation, American Staffing Association, IBM, Manpower, Microsoft, but there are also European businesses and organizations participating, such as European Community Telework Forum and Swedish National Labour Market Board. HR-XML is dedicated to developing open data exchange standards based on XML in the transaction of e-business and human resources-related data exchange.
Learning and Skills Development Agency is a development agency of the UK dedicated to developing policy and practice in post-16 education and occupational training.
OUNL is a university in the Netherlands established in 1984. Running open distance learning, there are 24 study centers in the Netherlands and Belgium, with 24 thousand students registered. OUNL participates in the activities as a member of standardization organizations such as Learning Technology WG, Prometeus, and IMS of CEN/ISSS.
- e-Learning Consortium Japan
By dispatching the members of e-Learning Consortium Japan, it will promote the standards of the platform that have already been examined, cooperating in fast market formation.
- Japan Personal Computer Software Association (JPSA)
JPSA has been collaborating with e-Learning Consortium Japan in spreading WBT, and by dispatching its members to ALIC, it will cooperate in its further expansion.
- AML Project
Aoyama & Asia e-Learning Network
It will cooperate by providing the actual scene that would validate the effectiveness of the new form of learning that applies IT skills in cooperative learning.
- Vocational school Internet Conference
Other related organizations
Government of Japan
United States