Myanmar Section

英語 |
"Developing Standards for Quality Assurance in e-Learning"
AEN Conference 2003
(Dr. Benito TEEHANKEE, De La Salle University Professional Schools) |

英語 |
Philippines Section

英語 |
Singapore Section
[製作者:シンガポール] |

英語 |
"e-Learning, a Nova Education Evolution; Development and
AEN Conference 2003
(Dr. Virach SORNLERTLAVANICH, Thai Computational Linguistics Laboratory) |

英語 |
Thailand Section
[製作者:タイ] |

英語 |
"Survey on R&D of E-learning in Vietnam and some Suggestions"
AEN Conference 2003
(Mr. NGUYEN Ngoc Binh , Hanoi University of Technology and Dr. QUACH
Tuan Ngoc, Centre for IT. MOET) |

英語 |
Vietnam Section
[製作者:ベトナム] |

英語 |
WG1: Technology Standards
& Conformance
AEN Conference 2003
(Mr. Kiyoshi NAKABAYASHI, NTT-X, Japan) |

英語 |
WG2: Technique for Native
Language Supported Contents Development
AEN Conference 2003
(Mr. Shuji MIYAZAWA, LA-Lab, Japan) |

英語 |
WG3: e-Learning Instructional
AEN Conference 2003
(Dr. Yutaka SAYEKI, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan) |

英語 |
WG4: Quality Assurance for
AEN Conference 2003
(Dr. Kenji HIRATA, SANNO Institute of Management, Japan) |

英語 |
Keynote Address: China
"The Research of e-Learning Standardization in China"
AEN Conference 2003
(Dr. HUANG Ronghuai, Beijing Normal University) |

英語 |
Keynote Address: Korea
"e-Learning Policy in Korea"
AEN Conference 2003
(Mr. JEONG Scott Jongwook, Korea e-Learning
Industry Association) |

英語 |
Keynote Address: Singapore
"e-Learning Early Adopters Programme of Singapore (ELEAP)"
AEN Conference 2003
(Mr. LIM Kin Chew, E-learning Competency Centre) |

英語 |