Validation system (WG2 activity) [purpose or
use : certification system] [fiscal
year : 2005] [country : AEN Secretariat] |
Working Group 2 Report
AEN Conference 2005 [purpose or
use : certification system] [fiscal
year : 2005] [country : AEN Secretariat]
(Mr.Toshiyuki Kobayashi(substitute for Mr.Shuuzi
Miyazawa,Learning Architecture Lab)) |
Domestic operation/assessment of the SCORM
CONTENT ASSESSOR Qualification Program and assistance of its
expansion into AEN countries [purpose
or use : certification system] [fiscal
year : 2004] [country : AEN Secretariat] |
Development of e-learning contents for
training SCORM ASSESSOR based on SCORM CONTENT ASSESSOR Qualification
Program [purpose or use : certification
system] [fiscal year : 2004]
[country : AEN Secretariat] |
[purpose or use : certification system]
[fiscal year : 2004] [country
: AEN Secretariat] |