WG2: Technique for Multilingual Correspondence Contents Development
- Most of the e-Learning contents are made for English but e-Learning user wants to study by the native language, so that supply-and-demand mismatch in the field of language expression and this is a barrier for market expansion.
- Asian country such as Singapore and Hong Kong uses English for developing e-Learning. In Europe, the project already turned to multilingual correspondence is progressing.
- A contents vender can expect market expansion by multilingual correspondence contents. Moreover, the development of multilingual correspondence contents will lead to the development cost cut and increase user merit.
- For 2002 AEN Experiment, we used SCORM standard contents as the teaching materials to experiment localization of e-Learning contents into Japanese => English => Thai. As a result, native-language teaching materials needs are actualizing.
- Domestic Situation (by ALIC)
Each contents are localized to the native language by translation
- WG2 Objective
Cooperation of each country of the multilingual correspondence contents development technique in the Asian bloc is carried out, and it is established.
- To Develop a sharable contents among Asian countries to secure inexpensive development resource.
- To contributes for standardization of the contents development architecture under multilingual environment.
- The progress and improvement of contents development technology in Japan and will lead to its industrial growth
2003 Activities
- To investigate the contents development situation of each country and future demand.
- To investigate the request and requirements for multilingual contents development and translation contents development.
- To develop tool and data model definition to minimize the work load for multilingual correspondence contents production.
- To prepare a manual for multilingual correspondence contents production.
- To produce sample contents for Multilingual correspondence contents.
- Through email : information exchange and discussion
- In-person meeting : one-day meeting is under consideration (before AEN conference December, 2003)
- Other activities (experimental study, development etc.)
2003 Outcome (expected)
- Specification of AEN-MLCDA
- To defined Data Model
- To defined Developmet Process
- Investigation Report of contents development situation of each country and future demand.
- To investigate the request and requirements for multilingual contents development and trandlation contents development.
- Execution Environment of Reference Model
- Multi-language correspondence contents data model execution engine.
- Multi-language correspondence contents data model production support tool.
- Multi-language correspondence Execution Contents
- Subject such as "object-oriented technology", "IT related term of each country".
- Sample contents should be selected by similarity and needs of participating nation.
- The native language version of standard study time 1-hour (narration 30min and about five to ten SCO)
- Japanese version + participating countries language