AEN Tokyo Statement
(July 24th, 2002, Tokyo)


On July 24th, 2002, 12 countries in Asia had a meeting in Tokyo to discuss establishment of the gAsia e-Learning Networkh, a knowledge network for promoting e-learning in the region.

At the meeting, the establishment of the gAsia e-Learning Networkh (AEN) was decided and its purpose was agreed on by the representatives.

The main purposes of the AEN are to:

(a) Share information on the latest e-learning trends and technologies
(b) Promote interoperability and resource sharing of e-learning systems and contents
(c) Promote the spread of knowledge on the effective use of e-learning

In pursuing the above-mentioned purposes, member countries are expected to:

1. Build closer cooperation among government, academic and business sectors in each country.   Participants are expected to distribute information on AEN activities to the people concerned in their country.
2. Carry out joint projects and share the results with member countries.
3. Promote the exchange of information, know-how, experiences, and best practices in real or virtual form.

AEN will make further efforts to link with other similar activities and fora in the region and the rest of the world.

(The 12 countries are Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam)
